
IB PYP Student Unit Planner

IB Student Unit Planner

A few years ago I started teaching in an International Baccalaureate school.  I was thrilled to be jumping into a new adventure.  Teaching in a PYP programme for the first time was both exciting and terrifying. I wasn't unfamiliar with the IB, but I was by no means an expert!

I immediately began to see a need for some IB supports in my classroom, not just for my students, but for me as well.  After teaching the first couple of units I felt like I wanted my students to have some organizational tools to help structure their understanding.  Being a bit of a Type A control freak I also wanted a wanted a place for students record, store, track and reflect all in one place throughout our Unit of Inquiry.

IB Student Unit Planner

After a bit of playing, and some additions over time, I put together what we call our Student Unit Planner.  At the start of each unit my students get a brad folder that contains the planner pages below.

  • Cover page for the Unit of Inquiry 
  • Title Page to record Unit Title, Central Idea, Key Concepts, Transdisciplinary Skills and Learner Profile Traits
  • Unit goal setting page
  • Graphic Organizer to record prior knowledge and questions 
  • Unit vocabulary recording sheet
  • Learner Profile reflection page
  • Unit of Inquiry reflection page
  • PYP Attitudes Reflection
  • Action Reflection
The folders have pockets in them so students can store and keep any additional materials that we might use or create during our inquiry.  

Using these planners has really helped to keep us more organized. At the end of each unit we have a great tool to help guide our reflections, and a portfolio of our inquiry to share during our student led conferences!

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