23 June 2015

Classroom Wish List

Be sure to stop by Classroom Tested Resources today to find out what I've got on my summer wishlist!  My list is growing by the minute! 

Be sure to follow my Pinterest Boards for more classroom set up finds!

Visit Mom2punkerdoo's profile on Pinterest.

13 June 2015

Prepping For Job Interviews: Teaching Resume & Portfolio

I left the classroom 15 years ago.  My last job interview was several years before that.  So that means it has been almost 20 years since I've updated my resume, let alone sat for an interview! I've had my toes in the education world all along, but rusty would be an accurate term when it comes to describing how I feel.

03 June 2015

Favorite Things Linky Party: Knock Knock Products

Are you familiar with Knock Knock Products? Some of their products are a little more "colorful" than others. but almost all of them make laugh!  I picked a few of my favorites to share with you today.

June Pinterest Pick 3

It's time to link up with June Pick 3 Pinterest party! This month I picked a few art activities that I think would make fun challenges for kiddos over the summer break.  A few of them could keep them engaged for quite some time.  Hope you enjoy these creative ideas.

Everyday objects blended with drawing
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