08 May 2015

Summer Reading Suggestions

We all want to keep students reading over the summer.  For those avid readers finding books is never a problem, but there are always students who struggle with choosing books to read. To send them off on summer vacation with a few new suggestions have your students get recommendations from each other.

student book suggestions

As an end of the year activity have your class reflect upon the books they have read this year.  Ask them to choose a favorite they would recommend to a friend.  Have students make summer reading lists based off the recommendations of their classmates. If you want to extend the activity, students can also write reviews or summaries of their book selections.

One fun way to have students share their suggestions is to create a bulletin board display of the class recommendations.  I've made and ice cream themed template for a "Scoop Up A Good Book This Summer" display.  Have each student record their book suggestion on a scoop, and then build a class ice cream sundae .  Classmates then read the recommendations and choose three books from the sundae to make a take home summer reading list.

summer book lists

Be sure to send a note home to parents letting them know their child has a list of books they may want to check out at the library over the summer! 

student book recommendation freebie
Click for FREE download

Be sure to check out my Ice Cream Fun Pinterest Board to scoop up some more end of the year ideas!

Follow Mom2punkerdoo's board Ice Cream Fun! on Pinterest.

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