04 April 2015

Checking For Understanding

With my blog redesign I wanted to come up with a tag line.  This was WAY easier said than done. My list of potential tag lines got a little out of hand and even quite comical at times.  A few of my ideas were more like paragraphs than tag lines, several of which are too embarrassing to even share.

Anyhow, after a few months of brainstorming I settled on "Checking for understanding one day at time."  Why?

In thinking about the classroom, and life in general really, I strongly believe that checking for understanding is critical.  It's all well and good to teach a great lesson, give specific directions, and regularly communicate to parents or your family. However, if you haven't verified that they actually get what your teaching, or how you want them to do something, or if they even heard you then it's really all for nothing!

The reverse is true also if you don't check to make sure you understand what's being shared or communicated then that's a problem too.

For those who were trained to write 7 step lesson plans following Madeline Hunter's Model of Mastery Learning you will know that step 5 is "Checking for Understanding." I wrote so many 7 step lesson plans back in the 90's that it is ingrained in my memory. Even my husband will joke with me that I am checking for his understanding when I verifying things with him.  We've recently discovered that we need to revisit this with our son now that he's gone all teenager on us! ;-)

If you need some ideas or new tricks for making sure you are checking for understanding with your students take a look at these resources:

Thanks for joining me on this journey as I continue to check for understanding!

If you haven't already entered the giveaway for my Blog Reveal Celebration be sure to do so today. Today is the last day to enter and to save 20% off everything in my store!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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