03 January 2015

White Elephant Fun: Squirrel House It Is

Back in January of 2013 I came home from our annual New Year's Eve party with the most fantastic White Elephant gift ever!  I couldn't decide if it was a Fairy House or Gnome Cottage and I wasn't exactly certain where I was going to keep it at the time, but it now has a fabulous home in our backyard all year long.

Fast forward to New Year's Eve 2014 and lo and behold what do I end up with from this year's White Elephant Exchange?  A bright and shiny squirrel.  He's a nut cracker, but there is no nut cracking in this house so I knew immediately where he would go.  See, the friends who brought my Fairy House - Gnome Cottage to the party back in 2012 had always called it a squirrel house.  I had rebuked the idea of such a name, mostly because of that squirrel that made a home in my office wall one winter...but that is an entirely different story for another time.  Anyhow, I never wanted to call it a squirrel house, but that all changed when I got stuck with...I mean got so lucky as to take home a nice bright and shiny new squirrel!

So, squirrel house it is! Doesn't he look cute?

I've got some more great stories I'll have tell about our annual New Year's exchange someday. Need to get some good pictures first. Do y'all have White Elephant gift exchanges? What is the best thing you've taken home?  How about the worst?

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