29 October 2014

Snow What Fun!

I know it seem early to be thinking about snow...well at least in Texas anyway!  I am hoping we actually get some this winter and skip the whole ice fiasco we had last winter.  Anyhow, I keep all my holiday books together and when I pulled out Too Many Pumpkins to work on I stumbled across this book also.
Link to Goodreads
The Annual Snowman's Ball, by Richard Moulton is actually a sequel to a book I don't have, but you do not have to be familiar with the first story in order to enjoy this second one.  This delightful poem with charming illustrations by Karen Hillard Good, tells about a magical night when snowmen gather to celebrate in some quite un-snowman like ways.

The story lends itself nicely to working on rhyming and writing poetry.  Additionally, the rich descriptive vocabulary is perfect for working on parts of speech.

I am always looking for ways to make things more fun. Domino games are always a hit and in this case it's rhyming dominoes for the win!  Each domino has two words on it that do not rhyme, but somewhere in the stash of dominoes there is at least one, if not two, dominoes that will make a rhyming pair.  Students take turns trying to be the first to use up all their dominoes.  When finished they pick two of their favorite rhyming pairs and use them to try and write their own poem.

These centers also include two more activities for working with verbs and adjectives.  They are both sorting activities.  One has you sort the adjectives from the verbs, and the other has you sorting verbs into past and present tense.  Both activities come with recording sheets and QR Codes so students can self check while still at the center!

Even though the temps were insanely high here in TX last weekend, I've got my eyes on winter. Bring on some snow, but only a little...just enough for a snowman!

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