26 June 2014

My Mouth Is A Volcano

Why yes, sometimes it sure is!  I can name a handful of people who would likely say it always is...but I won't.  My volcano mouth has not been saying much on this blog lately though that's for sure.  I really need to decide what my blogging plans are, but since I haven't it will remain a mystery to all of us for now.

Anyhow, are you familiar with this children's book?
 My Mouth Is A Volcano Why yes, sometimes it sure is! #backtoschool
I had not heard of it until recently.  It was written by Julia Cook in 2005 and I think it's a must have for every preschool and elementary teacher out there.  It's a perfectly adorable story that will open a fantastic opportunity for discussing the age old problem of interrupting.  As a frequent interrupter myself it was good for me to be reminded.  Sadly, I am one of those people who seems to always be able to connect a story of my own to the story you are in the middle of telling!  You would think I would have figured it out by now...but alas...no.

Anyhow, I can quite relate to little Louis and his struggle with his "important words".  Guess I'll keep working on it.

FYI...in addition to being a great book for helping to establish classroom boundaries it is also a great jumping off spot for teaching metaphors!  Really what's not to love about this metaphoric title???? 

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