Looking forward to tonight's White Elephant Gift Exchange. Wonder who will decide to open this first?
31 December 2013
28 December 2013
Norbert Ollivander Tonks (the 3rd)
Our baby kitty had his first Christmas. So far he has been lucky as we have not had time to adorn him with his Santa hat or jingle collar....but we WILL get to it before we pack up Christmas! The question is, will I be able to capture any good photos of him in all his festive cuteness?
09 December 2013
We Wish You a Merry Christmas!
Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
PS. In case you are wondering, the Wood Family Pinterest Page was created solely for the purposes of this Christmas card and can no longer be viewed online.....besides you can view just about everything I have to share and more than you wanna know just by following me on Facebook!
However, if you are a Pinterest junkie...I do have not just one, but two other accounts...one personal, which you can follow here >>>> Kim's Pinterest
and the other is for my new little adventure and you can follow that by clicking the Pinterest link in the sidebar at the top of this page.
04 December 2013
Fence Wood Trees
The latest project using our old fence! Fence wood Christmas trees to decorate the front yard. So pleased with the result. The pic doesn't really do them justice. This was a fantastic team effort. Joe added the lights just exactly how I wanted. He did it without my input knowing how I like everything caddywhompus!