30 November 2013

Believe 2013

Perfect day for a race.  Tried to get a sub 30 minute 5K.  Came close, but not quite.  30:06.  The uphill finish is tough!  Certainly the fastest I've run this course in the last 3 years.  There is always next year!

26 November 2013

Texas Flag

Had a fun, feel good thing happen today!  This summer I made a giant Texas flag out of our old fence wood. I LOVE it and it is now hanging in our family room so I can see it every day.  Well, turns out a good friend of ours loved it too.  He mentioned to his wife he'd like to hang one in his airplane hanger and wondered if he could pay me to make one.  Well, I told her, "Don't be silly! Y'all can't pay me, but I am happy to make one for him!"  I also suggested I do it and we surprise him and sneak it into the hanger when he's out of town!  We did just that!  I made it on the last warm weekend we had  (thankfully) and we snuck it into the hanger on Saturday.  Today was they day he found it!  I think it made us all happy!  Thankful for such good friends.

22 November 2013

It's Out There!

Told myself I'd publicly announce my TpT store when I hit 50 sales.  That happened WAY sooner than I was expecting!  So here's how I put it out there on FB.

18 November 2013

The Velveteen Rabbit

Posted this unit for sale yesterday...felt a little vulnerable.  One of my all time favorites. Very close to my heart.  There is so much more to this unit than what I could bundle together to sell.  Maybe I'll blog more about it someday.

13 November 2013

Gingerbread SNUG

Met a friend for lunch today at SNUG on the Square and got to see the Gingerbread replica a friend had built to advertise Trinity's Gingerbread for Humanity event. It's so cute! 

11 November 2013

Fun with Clipart

Found the most adorable clip art  at www.mycutegraphics.com and get this she lets anyone use her work for free!  Even commercial use.  So generous.  I sent her a thank you.  Had fun playing with a bunch of her holiday images to create this.


09 November 2013

McKinney Mini

Longest I've ever run in a race.  My leg of the relay was 5.6 miles today. Ran my best pace for that distance.  Fun!

08 November 2013

Preview Collage

I learned how to make a preview collage of my product today, had a 3 hour breakfast with a great friend and went to see Ender's Game with the family.  Pretty great day...especially if you ignore the mess that is our house!

07 November 2013

I Did It!

Yipes! I officially opened a Teacher Pay Teachers Store today.  Feeling a little anxious about the whole thing.  We shall see!

Mom2punkerdoo @ TpT Store

06 November 2013


Went to the Mellow Mushroom for the time today. Check out these cute coffee mugs! 

04 November 2013


copper pipe + hose + campfire = really cool colors!
Who knew? Not me.