05 August 2014


What's not to love about penguins?  Honestly, I could waste a lot of time looking at pictures of penguins.   Seriously, is this not stunning?  I wonder what they are chatting about?


I recently finished putting some updates on a unit revolving around the novel Mr. Popper's Penguins, by Richard and Florence Atwater.  If you are not familiar with  this classic novel it is about a man who suddenly finds himself caring for quite a number of guest penguins.  This hilariously funny book is perfect for integrating your science and language arts programs.

The story provides some great opportunities for discussing and learning about habitats and why they are important.  I like to use it as a jumping off point for doing some non-fiction research.  There are over 15 types of penguins that can be researched!  You can keep it simple and just learn basic penguin facts or really delve deep and have students write reports and design presentations to share.

Additionally, there is a wealth of vocabulary to be learned from this book.  The adjectives used to describe the penguins alone introduce words that many students may not have heard; words like pompous, droll, stout and indignant.

The Mr. Popper's Penguin Unit focuses heavily on comprehension questions, vocabulary and penguin facts.  The updated fact posters include QR Codes with links to one of my favorite kid friendly penguin research websites.


I also added QR Codes to the Penguin Fact Cards so that students can play matching games and self-check!

Click to Preview Game and Posters
Be sure to check out my Penguins Pinterest Board for lots of fun ideas to compliment your penguin study!

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